Welcome To Dear Life Changer…

Hi, welcome to my blog, Dear Life Changer…
The people you surround yourself with are the ones who have the most impact on you, and ever single one of these people has the power to help develop who you are as an individual. My way of responding to these changes, is to write letters. Each post is a letter to someone in my life who has changed me, or had a significant impact on my life.

I hope that by reading the letters, or just by looking at who the people who have impacted me are, you can come to realize how important each and every person in  your life is.

Equally, for the people who the letters are about, I hope you know how much you mean to me already, and that this is just a confirmation of that, but if not, I hope you know now. Feel free to contact me if you’d rather certain aspects of a letter be changed, or taken down, you know how to reach me.
In the same sense though, please take each letter as it is, a public post. Elements that are not essential to the points I am making, may have been emitted or very rarely changed, either to allow for the post to be more general, or to protect the innocent. The letters are written with the knowledge that they will be read, and are edited accordingly.

Finally, please feel free to contact me and let me know what your thoughts are, on the letters, on the ideas, on the webpage itself, whatever you feel. My social media pages are linked at the bottom of the page, and comments on this site are always appreciated, so feel free to reach out and let me know what you think! I love hearing from you all!!

Happy reading, and happy life changing,

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I know we don’t talk much and all and it may seem weird I’m messaging you. But god that blog… I can relate so much to how you explained anxiety and depression… Never been this touched before aha. Purely amazing. Could not have been said any better. I know we don’t know each other much but that really touched me, like nothing ever touches me that much than that blog. I’m always here if you need me xx don’t forget 🙂 I hope you’re okay though xox

I just read that latest blog post and dude, that s**t brought me to tears. Seriously what I needed to read right now. You’re an inspiration for that blog, I don’t read it often but when I do I always know there’s some hidden truth waiting inside. I hope you get back to it one day, I’m sure if it can help me a little bit, it can help a lot of people every day. I just felt I needed to tell you that aye